This page showcases a few items of my published work from the last 30 years, which illustrate the range of writing styles I can adopt.

I am sorry it is not yet possible to make them available in fully accessible formats but I am working to find a solution to this. I hope to add to this page in due course, to create a fuller picture of the range of my work.
For ethical reasons, it is not possible to include any of the editing I have done for private clients with dyslexia, but I’ve included some of their testimonials on my About page.
Theatre programmes, 1990s
I learned my craft working as an editorial assistant for a publisher of theatre programmes. I wrote and edited dozens of articles for theatre programmes from 1989 to the mid-1990s, for touring productions and theatres across the country.
Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol, 1996-98
This cluster of innovative internet projects was a joy to work in. I collated and edited information from the project managers and produced flyers like this one to publicise the Institute’s collective identity. I was editor of the ILRT web site and also Associate Editor for Interact, the newsletter of the University of Bristol’s Learning Technology Support Service.
Please get in touch if you would like a free, no obligation consultation about how I might be able to help you.
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), 1998-2001
JISC is the funding body for the academic network and all of the internet-based services and infrastructure in UK universities. As the JISC’s Editorial Consultant, I was consultant editor on the relaunched JISC News. I also worked with dozens of project managers and technical teams to produce printed materials which were distributed across the UK higher education sector to raise awareness of the new services and projects being funded for students, researchers, and academic staff.

Journal for library and information professionals (2012)
This sample shows how I worked with an author on his draft to help him to describe an innovative, complex concept in an accessible way, tailored to a particular readership.
Jansen, Martyn. 2012. “Flexible Licensing”. Insights 25 (2): 187–91
School prospectus (2014)
This is a good example of how I can collate information from numerous contributors and create a persuasive publication which has a unified authorial “voice”.